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Amber Charette



My Story

If you've found yourself on this website, welcome to the amazing world of Scentsy! I appreciate your support and your shared affinity for the smell good culture!

Sixteen years ago, I brought a child into the world & shortly thereafter, married his father. I thought I had found & was fulfilling my dream, right?! It wasn't long before I found myself
a single and divorced parent, looking to support/raise my son by myself. Those days I could only dream of better days and prayer brought me through. I felt like most in my situation....hopeless.

Fast forward a few years. My sister Catelyn joined this Scentsy thing. I fell in love with it! She asked me to join idk how many times, but I always told her I enjoyed selling for her, knowing it put money in her pocket. In August of 2019, my sister decided she was leaving Scentsy, her life had changed and her responsibilities grew. It was then I decided to "take over the family business (as i called it)" and sign up! No joke y'all, I signed up using a credit card that only had $150 worth of credit remaining...I was broke! (Sn: I do not recommend one doing this, I'm only telling you for emphasis).

I jumped into it, full sail ahead!! I realized rather quickly that Scentsy was one of the best products to sell.
1.) Inventory is added monthly so it keeps things fresh
2.) It's a consumable product so unlike jewelry or bags, your customers return monthly to replenish their stock
3.) Scentsy SELLS ITSELF-- get it under noses and BAM... SOLD!

I also realized I was pretty good at talking to ppl about scentsy BECAUSE I believed in the product!

So, I dedicated more and more time to Scentsy and devised new and creative ways to get product out there. Before long, I was paying off debt, doing incredible financial gestures, donating to causes, and ultimately was able to buy my first home-- something that seemed absolutely IMPOSSIBLE just a few years ago.

Bottom line folks, Scentsy didn't change my life, it TRANSFORMED IT! And I Thank God DAILY for blessing my life with the gift of Scentsy.

I would be honored to speak with you about becoming a consultant and finding a way to transform your life as well. Thank you for reading, and God bless you!


PHONE: 574-214-5138

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